NFT Skin 3rd sale!!
NFT skins for Aria, Azaca and Nagisa are available for pre-sale!

Sales Period

8/1/2024 9:00 a.m. UTC ~
8/13/2024 8:59 a.m. UTC

Sale schedule

Kannagi Aria

Thursday, 8/1/2024 9:00 a.m. UTC ~
Monday, 8/5/2024 8:59 a.m. UTC

Nijumaru Azaca

Monday, 8/5/2024 9:00 a.m. UTC ~
Friday, 8/9/2024 8:59 a.m. UTC

Shuou Nagisa

Friday, 8/9/2024 9:00 a.m. UTC ~
Tuesday, 8/13/2024 8:59 a.m. UTC

What is NFT Skin

NFT skins have a limited supply in the game.
This is a pre-sale and there are no restrictions on the NFT skins that can be purchased.
NFT skins can only be used if you have the base character.
Collecting certain NFT skins grants an ability bonus.
The ability bonuses of NFT skins can be very useful in the game.
NFT skins will be assigned serial numbers based on the order in which payments are received.
NFT skins can be bought and sold on the marketplace, which will be opened to the public in the future.

*Important Notice: Please read carefully*

Make sure you register for My Page and Wallet.
NFT skins can be purchased by sending an FCT to the specified address.
There is a chance to acquire one of the NFT skins randomly drawn from the eligible products.
Duplicate NFT skins of the same type may be obtained.
If you send your FCT by 8:59 a.m. UTC every day during the sales period, you will receive the drawn NFT skins on your My Page by 1:00 p.m. UTC on the same day.
In the case of Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays, the grant will be made on the following day.
After confirming receipt of payment, distribution will be made to the My Page connected with the wallet address from which the payment was sent.
If the amount is less than 1,000 FCT, the NFT skin will not be distributed.
If multiple payments are made and their total reaches 1,000 FCT when combined, it will be considered as one entry, and you will receive one NFT skin

Purchase Here

Payment wallet address
Please send 1,000 FCT to
this address for one entry.

How to buy FCT (FAVE)

The cryptocurrency, FCT (FAVE), is available for purchase on the global exchange, MEXC.
The cryptocurrency, USDT, is required to purchase FCT (FAVE).
USDT is not available on domestic exchanges, so cryptocurrency purchased on domestic exchanges
can be sent to the global exchange, MEXC, and converted into USDT.

▼domestic exchange
GMO Coin
SBI VC Trade
Coin Check

▼global exchange

▼How to Purchase FCT (FAVE)
 1. Open a domestic exchange and MEXC account to be used for trading cryptocurrency.
 2. Purchase a cryptocurrency to use for transferring funds from a domestic exchange to a global exchange.
 Any currency can be used, but Ripple (XPR) is recommended.
 3. Transfer the purchased cryptocurrency, XRP, to MEXC.
 4. Sell the purchased XRP and convert it into cryptocurrency, USDT.
 5. Purchase FCT (FAVE) with USDT.

Kannagi Aria
Full name: Kannagi Aria

Desire: Battle

Likes: Reading
Dislikes: Indecisive person
Hobbies/Skills: Volunteer

Achillea leads the Aria team of the Cleanup crew. Her cool personality makes her look standoffish, but beneath the surface, she is warm and considerate. She can get a bit carried away in the thick of battle, but she handles her cleanup missions with the support of Quon and Azaka. While she feels a vague urge to fight against something in battle, she appears to be confused by the underlying discomfort she feels about it.

NFT Skin




Purchase Here

Payment wallet address
Please send 1,000 FCT to
this address for one entry.

Nijumaru Azaca
Full name: Nijumaru Azaca

Desire: Safety and security

Likes: Cheese
Dislikes: News report
Hobbies/Skills: Cooking, Puzzles

The new member of the G-Counter. She has a keen sense of danger, but her lack of battle experience often leaves her hanging by a thread. As she gains more hands-on experience, she will have more ways to counter GENZAI, but she claims that she wants to fight in a way that’s safe and secure. Despite her cautious nature, she is driven by a strong desire to help others, leading her to venture into dangerous situations. The path to becoming a true Achilles is tough as she faces a multitude of formidable challenges.

NFT Skin




Shuou Nagisa
Full name: Shuou Nagisa

Desire: Order

Likes: Stretch
Dislikes: Father
Hobbies/Skills:  Violin

The daughter of a big-time politician and a skilled martial artist herself. Soft-spoken and thoughtful, she loves order and the state of harmony that comes with it. Upon discovering her father's wealth and fame were built upon the suffering of others, she decides to follow a different path from him. She wields her Naginata to bring order to the chaos, spread happiness, and shake off her hatred for her father.

NFT Skin




Selectable NFT skin as a benefit
for holding 100,000 FCT.

By holding 100,000 FCT in the wallet address registered on your My Page,
you can select and acquire one of the NFT skins dropped in-game.

※All initially implemented NFT skins, including those that have not yet been released in the NFT sale, will be included.
※The date for counting 100,000 FCT holders will begin within a few days after the game's release.
(An announcement will be made once a decision has been made).


Q. About the e-mail addresses that can be registered

A. We are currently restricting the email addresses that can be used for new registrations.
Available email domains are as follows.

[As of 01.10.2024]


However, you need to register on MY PAGE(https://market.ergosum-game.com/profile/dashboard)on the official Ergosum website to purchase the product.

Q. How to buy and NFT skin distribution

A. Please register for a My Page and connect your wallet.
NFT skins can be purchased by sending an FCT to the specified address.
One character skin will be drawn at random from the eligible products.
If you send your FCT by 8:59 a.m. UTC every day during the sales period, you will receive the drawn NFT skins on your My Page by 1:00 p.m. UTC on the same day.
In the case of Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays, the grant will be made on the following day.

Q. What is NFT?

A. NFT is a non-fungible digital asset generated based on blockchain technology.
For example, it can verify the ownership of game items, and it can also be traded.
NFT skins can be bought and sold in a marketplace that will be opened to the public in the future.

Q. What is a wallet?

A. A wallet for crypto assets is a 'dedicated wallet for cryptocurrencies' and refers to a place where cryptocurrencies are stored.

Q. Can anyone participate in the sale?

A. Yes. However, you must register on MY PAGE(https://market.ergosum-game.com/profile/dashboard)on the official Ergosm website to make a purchase.
You can easily register using only your email address.
After registering, please make sure to register your wallet before participating in the sale.

Q. How can I receive my NFT after purchase?

A. Information on the NFTs you have earned can be viewed on MY PAGE(https://market.ergosum-game.com/profile/dashboard)on the official Ergosum website.
※In order to check your NFTs earned, you need to login to MY PAGE with the same email address (or wallet) you used when you purchased your NFTs.

Q. Who should I contact if I have a problem?

A. We will be happy to investigate and verify your request, so please provide us with your details in the form below.

When making an enquiry, please provide as much detailed information as possible so that the situation can be checked.

Q. Reviewing and updating registration information

A. You can log in to My Page(https://market.ergosum-game.com/profile/dashboard)and make changes under 🖋.
*Please do not change the wallet address linked to your My Page after the FCT transfer. The recipient cannot be identified, so the NFT will not be distributed.

Q. About notices from the team

A. Please check the official website and official X for announcements from the team.
・Official website

・Official X

Q. Can I buy or sell acquired NFTs?

A. Currently, you can check your holdings on My Page. Please wait until the release of the buy/sell function.

Q. I don't know how to log in to My Page

A. You can log in after registering on MY PAGE(https://market.ergosum-game.com/entry)on the official Ergosum website.

Q. FCT is missing from the wallet.

A. Please add the following token information to wallets such as Metamask, and the token will be displayed (note that this is not the payment address).
Fave Character Token
contract address

Contact details

If you send your FCT by 8:59 a.m. UTC every day during the sales period, you will receive the drawn NFT skins on your My Page by 1:00 p.m. UTC on the same day.
In the case of Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays, the grant will be made on the following day.

If you send FCTs from a crypto asset exchange such as MEXC, you will not be eligible for the special sale and will not receive NFTs. Please make sure to send funds from a wallet such as Metamask.

In-game content may be updated, modified, changed or removed at any time without notice.

The service is subject to the Terms of Use, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.

Sales may be temporarily suspended for maintenance or other reasons.

The content of this sale is subject to change without notice.

Please note that the publication schedule is subject to change depending on the progress of development.

Please note that remittances made outside the sale period will not be counted and will not be refunded.

Once the payment is completed, it is final and non-refundable.

Do not send funds from an exchange address. Funds from an exchange address will not be counted and will not be refunded as the user cannot be identified.

The NFT design is a work in progress and may differ from the final versions.


The information on this website does not constitute investment or financial advice.

None of the information on this website constitutes an offer to purchase or sell, or to engage in investment-related activities in relation to ICOs and other transactions, nor is it a solicitation to do so. It cannot and should not be relied upon in any way in that regard.

Investments in crypto-assets/NFTs have a high risk due to their volatile price nature.

Please do your own research and information gathering before investing.

Specified Commercial Transactions Act